hey ya'll! this is my first blog post on here! woohoo!! I thought for this first one i'd share some of my hopes and goals for the future of these posts (in the form of a fun bulleted list!) and hopefully at the end of the year we can look back and hope that we've accomplished some of these goals!
Post bi-weekly updates and/or monthly updates. -I'd love to try and keep this blog as updated as I can. I hope to be able share new projects, upcoming life events, milestones, discoveries, you name it! I think with this new chapter in my life, I'll have lots of scary but exciting things to share, and this blog will keep me accountable to writing down all the fun details! I want to give myself some grace and ease into this process, so bi-weekly-monthly posts seem fair.
Share a song of the week/month/moment. -Based on how often i'm able to keep things updated on here, I'd love to share a bit of where my head is at in the moment of me posting! Music has always been my outlet, and is often the best way I can describe how i'm feeling, whether it is a song of the week, song of the month, or song of the moment! Look forward to some music sharing!
Book recommendations/reviews. -Similar to the one above, I am a recent lover of reading, and I'd love to share what I'm reading at the moment and share my personal thoughts and reviews!
Share pictures/videos. -This one is pretty straight forward... but! I'm pretty bad at sharing pictures on instagram, so hopefully this will motivate me to share more photos! I have so many pictures in my camera roll and they need to be put somewhere!
Countdown to Graduation. -This one is a little silly, but I thought it would be fun to share my countdown to my college graduation!! Bittersweet, but helps me to look forward to the future ahead :) (we'll figure out a new countdown once I graduate, but I thought we'd start here)
Aaaaaand those are my blog goals for 2024! Yay! Hopefully you all will love these updates as much as I am so far! To finish off this post strong, here is the very first song of the week: "You're Not The Only One I Know" By The Sundays :)
some exciting things to look forward to!
Graduation Countdown: 94 Days!
First Godspell Rehearsal: 11 Days!
<3 lauren